
Qualicum First Nation Childcare Programs

Providing quality childcare and education to all children and families within the Lighthouse Community and beyond.


Everyone Welcome

Qualicum First Nation Childcare Centre is a fully licensed facility providing quality childcare and Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve Programs.

We offer a stimulating and inclusive environment for all children to play, discover, and learn—one where we foster self-confidence and firmly believe that children learn best through play and positive connections. Our certified Early Childhood Educators and Infant Toddler Educators provide a wide range of activities, with family and culture at the forefront of everything we do.

Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve Programs

  • Childcare from 6 months - School age

  • Monday - Friday 7:30-5:00

  • Full-time spaces

  • Breakfast, lunch, and two snacks provided

  • All children are welcome, with priority for families who identify as Indigenous (Aboriginal, Métis, First Nations, Inuit, peoples who self-identify or with Registered Indian Status).

Affordable Out of Scool Care

  • Open Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 8:30 am, 3:00 pm -5:30 pm

  • Open 7:30-5:30 on Professional Development days, Spring Break, and Summer Break

  • Full-time fees for before and afterschool care: $450 monthly

  • Part-time Fees for before school OR afterschool care: $350

  • Additional fees for full day care and drop in rates

Financial assistance available to low income families.

We have caring, licensed and professional ECE teachers
We are a fully licensed child care facility
Fun while learning

Business hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Please reach out if you have any questions or, 250-757-8092

Qualicum First Nation Childcare

Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve

Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve is an early learning program for children of Aboriginal ancestry. The qualified Early Childhood Educators teach a program based on Aboriginal culture, education and developmental skills. The program integrates six components including culture and language, education, health promotion, nutrition, social support and parent & family involvement. Our AHSOR programs are for children ages 6 months - 6 years

Our AHSOR programs are fully funded through First Nations Health Authority which allows us to run our AHSOR programs with no cost to our families who attend - on average, this saves a single child family nearly $15,000 a year in childcare tuition.

Family Involvement and Social Supports

As part of the AHSOR community, we offer supports to the family as a whole.

- Family events through the year
- Parent's night Thursdays from 5:30-7:30 with childminding as requested
- Opportunities for families to volunteer
- Employment supports
- Open door policy
- Parent workshops offered
- Kindergarten readiness

Community Outreach

Qualicum First Nation offers Aboriginal Child and Family Outreach Services for families of children 0-6 years living in the Oceanside community. Our Outreach Worker focuses on helping to support the families and ensure that their needs are met. The Outreach Services provided include free resources, referrals to other agencies, toys and educational materials, as well as in-home visits for assistance and support. Qualicum First Nation’s Childcare Manager also facilitates a Parent Group every other Thursday from 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Qualicum First Nation*, which provides valuable information regarding parenting, self-care, nutrition, culture, and features guest speakers and workshops. Our Parent Group offers free food (coffee and tea included!) as well as gas cards for parents who travel to attend, and a monthly prize draw. Our Outreach Services connect families with the necessary resources, support, and referrals, to ensure that each family feels supported and connected in our community.

*time of day may vary depending on the workshop/topic of the week


Our Head Start program is an early learning preschool for children of Aboriginal ancestry. The qualified Early Childhood Educators teach a program based on Aboriginal culture, education and developmental skills. The program integrates six components including culture and language, education, health promotion, nutrition, social support and parent & family involvement.

• New child registration is open year round
• Program is free

The qwa’luxw lelum Head Start Program is funded by First Nations Health Authority.

Program address:
303 Salish Rd
Qualicum Beach B.C V9K1Z5

Aboriginal child and family outreach services

Qualicum First Nation offers Aboriginal Child and Family Outreach Services for families of children 0-6 years living in the Oceanside community. Our Outreach Worker focuses on helping to support the families and ensure that their needs are met. The Outreach Services provided include free home kits, resources, referrals to other agencies, toys and educational materials, as well as in-home visits for assistance and support. Qualicum First Nation’s Outreach Worker also facilitates a Parent Group every Thursday from 10-12:30 at Qualicum First Nation, which provides valuable information regarding parenting, self-care, nutrition, culture, and features guest speakers as well. Our Parent Group offers free breakfast (coffee and tea included!) as well as gas cards for parents who travel to attend, and a monthly prize draw. Our Outreach Services connect families with the necessary resources, support, and referrals, to ensure that each family feels supported and connected in our community.