
SOUTH Campground

Waterfront Campground, RV’s and Rental Cabins


Located on the south side of the Big Qualicum River and backing on to the Strait of Georgia. Complimenting the North Campground, providing great recreational sites for “Seasonal Guests Only”. This campground is not available to ‘weekend campers’ – other than seasonal guests.


The Qualicum First Nation Waterfront Campground now offers waterfront cabin rentals for your vacationing enjoyment.

Seasonal Occupancy Rate


Price for 6 months (April 15 to September 30) and must be paid in full by April 1 of each year. This price is subject to change.


  • Full payment by cheque, money order, credit/debit card, or cash is due April 1 of each year.

  • Full payment is required before a gate key will be issued.

  • If you are having family stay with you please pay prior to their arrival – at the campground store.


  • Gate keys will be available at the Band Office starting April 15 of each year

  • One key will be issued per lot for the sole use of the registered camper (there will be no sub-leases)

  • You are not permitted to copy these keys

  • You may purchase an additional key for $20.00


BBQ Shelter

$250 /day

Please reserve between May 20th thru September 6th

Extra Tent

Per Site $35.00 per night.
Planning a get together with family or friends?
Group Rates are also available for basic sites only for 10 or more sites. Please enquire here.

Qualicum First Nation South Campground Rules and Regulations

  1. Sani-dump fees are included in the seasonal rate. All RV’s should have a portable tank to dump regularly in the sani-dump. Dumping anywhere but the sani-dump will result in immediate eviction from the campground with no refund of fees. Please ensure that any skirting around your RV/Motorhome does not obstruct a clear view underneath. Campsite staff will be inspecting regularly for greywater wells.

  2. Water standpipes are for everyone’s use. ABSOLUTELY NO HOOKUPS ARE ALLOWED!

  3. Please ensure that you take all personal belongings and effects with you when you leave for the season, leaving the site in its natural unaltered state.

  4. QFN does not provide picnic tables for seasonal camping. It is up to each camper to bring their own.

  5. Absolutely no washing your RV and motor vehicles as we are on metered water.

  6. Sub-leases ARE NOT permitted.

  7. Only one unit is permitted per site. All sites are a standard 40 feet wide.

  8. Open fires are permitted below the highwater mark on the beach, in fire pots, unless a fire bank is in effect. Fires MUST be supervised until fully extinguished. Firewood must be collected from fallen branches, trees, and driftwood. NO cutting of trees is permitted on the campgrounds by anyone other than staff.

  9. Fishing IS NOT permitted in the section of the Big Qualicum River that runs through the Reserve; however, the Big Qualicum Fish Hatchery has designated areas for recreational fishing. Please inquire at their office (250-757-8412) regarding opening and areas. Fishing violations can be reported to the Violations Hotline at 1-800-465-4336.

  10. There is a total closure of gathering shellfish on any beach fronting the Reserve.

  11. Please be respectful of your fellow campers. This includes:

    1. Keeping pets on leashes and cleaning up after them.

    2. Respecting quiet hours between 10pm and 8am

    3. Keeping your campsite tidy and free of garbage and debris

    4. Generator hours are from 10:00am to 2:00pm

  12. Please do not hesitate to contact RCMP if needed at 250-248-6111 or 911.

  13. There will be NO mooring of boats in the river. This will result in immediate eviction.

  14. Use of the River beyond the bridge is strictly prohibited.  This includes but not limited to; kayaks, paddle boards, motorized and row boats, swimming and walking.  Failure to comply will result in eviction.

Disclaimer of Liability

  • Qualicum First Nation is not responsible for any loss or injury, including those that may be incurred at or on the playground. Please ensure that your children are properly supervised at all times.

Right of Refusal

  • The Chief and Council of Qualicum First Nation, reserve the right to evict any camper without refund for any violation of the above rules and regulations.

Please forward requests and/or complaints to the Band Council in writing to: 5850 River Road, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1Z5